change is CHAllenging
Maintaining the status quo? Less so.
Everything is going well. Just keep on doing what you are doing, with occasional tweaks - and deep down we know that is folly. No status quo can last forever. Internal and external pushes and pulls mean that change is constant, clichéd as that sounds. Maintaining that status quo is a choice to stay the same, and often down to fear of change.
Organisations change all the time.
They have to change to adapt. They change when a new generation of people work differently to the last. They change to align with new strategic focus. Perhaps they change to meet an unforeseen external event - like a pandemic. So it is our relationship with and to change that matters.
The question is whether you do that well - working with and in the mess with clear intent, moving at an appropriate pace to achieve the desired impact.
Find your edge.
Shifting with purpose beyond the status quo means knowing what to look for, where to focus and then how to act – that is the edge. The line between how it is and how it needs to be – whether for you, your team or your whole organisation
At and beyond the edge is where good stuff happens, where things actually change, learning occurs, experiments get initiated and innovation flourishes. It’s where you stretch, flex and find a new form.
Without the edge, none of that happens. Things likely feel hard, uncomfortable, difficult, fuzzy, not going to plan, uncertain, ambiguous and tense. Change is happening to you, rather than you working with and in change.
If change was easy, you wouldn’t be here.
That’s where we come in. The essence of Edge+Stretch – the difference that makes a difference – lies in how we challenge you to name what matters, find that edge, own it, and take on the stretch required to make things happen.
That stretch can at times feel unpleasant and be challenging: but ultimately it’s necessary to break free from the status quo mindset.
If you're not uncomfortable, we're not doing our job.
Our clients tell us that we ask questions that provoke, that get under the skin to where the real need is. Sometimes we rankle.
We do that because we are committed to helping you get where you want to be: individually; collectively; organisationally.
We care, and if you engage us, we assume that you want us to be straight with you, even if that means us telling you something that may not be what you want to hear, especially if it is getting close to a truth.
There are plenty of consultants out there who will tell you want you want to hear. That’s not us. We believe you deserve honesty, and when you work with us our intention is to get under the skin of what is really happening and what really needs to change, supporting you and your people to lead that yourselves.
We don’t rescue. We build you up.
“Context is everything. There is no solution that can fit every company all of the time. But there’s always a solution for the problem. It just has to be discovered.”
Richard Claydon
Status quo is not really a thing, is it?

There are gurus for everything if you look hard enough, but gurus and experts alone will not enable change, and certainly won’t help you develop your own capabilities.
Steve Hearsum