organisations are complex places
Change means learning new practices.
If changing how organisations are run and structured were easy, we wouldn’t need so many consultancies, models, tools and gurus. Someone would have ‘the answer’ to the challenges of complexity, and lots of consultants and consultancies will tell you they have one.
What we offer is the opportunity to build your own capability and skills - developing people, building confidence and improving how you work so you don’t need us. Key to this is understanding the change practices that people need to master to help
It can be messy, let's face it.
We work with you to find out what the problem is and how we might go about solving it.
The solution we offer will be found in the mix of you and us.
We are not your suited and booted consultant, equipped with shiny laptops and digital tools, promising high-tech solutions for all your woes. Some just see systems, we see people and places.
Finding clever people and ‘experts' is easy.
Working with people who don’t create dependency, less so.
What we offer is the opportunity to develop your practices and through that build your capability and skills - developing people and improving how you work so you don’t need us.

Many consultants only see systems.
We see people and places.
Steve Hearsum
The solution we offer is the mix of you and us.